Pre-K Information
Pre-K is available at no cost for students who meet the state income guidelines. Two consecutive check stubs for each parent or caregiver is required. Those students who do not meet the state income guidelines, have the option to pay tuition. Spots are limited. Pre-K cannot register online, you must fill out the forms on campus and return to the school.
PreK-4 Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open February 6th.
Pre-K Registration Website Package - English
Pre- Registration Website Package- Spanish
The following documents are needed for registration:
Student Documents:
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Immunization Records
Current custody papers signed by a JUDGE showing domiciliary parent, if applicable
Residency Documents:
If the Parent is the Homeowner or Lessee:
Ownership of Home(i.e. Cash Sale) Or Homestead Exemption Or Property Tax Bill Or Lease
Drivers License of Parent (address must match residence address)
Electricity Bills (Previous 2 month bills)
Gas or Water Bills (Previous 2 month bills)
If utilities are included in lease, must provide another bill (cable, phone, SNAP, insurance, etc.) (address must match residence address)
If the Parent Resides with Someone (Double Up):
Drivers License of Parent (address must match residence address)
Bill in Parent/Guardian name (cable, phone, SNAP, insurance, etc.) (address must match residence address)
AND the Following Documentation of the Homeowner/Lessee as follows:
Ownership of Home (i.e. Cash Sale) Or Homestead Exemption Or Property Tax Bill Or Lease
Copy of Drivers License of Homeowner/Lessee (address must match residence address)
Electricity Bills (Previous 2 month bills)
Gas or Water Bills (Previous 2 month bills)
Notarized affidavit of Residency
Early Learning Network of Central
The Early Learning Network of Central is a partnership created to increase the quality of Central's early childhood programs. Our collaboration helps to ensure that all children enter school ready to succeed. We also strive to make it easier for families in the community to access information to help you make the best choices for your children. We are excited to support the children and families of the Central Community!
Please remember that it is a privilege for your child to have been chosen to participate in our Pre-K program. It is very important that your child be present every school day. Your child may be dropped from the program if he/she fails to attend daily.
We do understand that young children do get ill. Upon returning to school, you must send an original doctor’s excuse to your child’s teacher. A copy of the excuse will be kept in the classroom to send to the State Department of Education and the original will be kept in the office.
Extended Day is Available!
Hours for Extended Day:
Morning: 6:30-7:35 Extended Day
Afternoon: 3:35-6:00
$50 Registration Fee
Before Care Only $40
Before and After Care $70
Please make sure that your child can stay for at least one hour of this service. Alternative arrangements for transportation must be made for Early Dismissal days. This program can be used at any time of the school year, however, it cannot be used as a day to day service.
The Extended Day program follows a schedule and the classroom teacher collaborates with Extended Day staff so that the teachers can best meet the needs of the individual students.
Please request information by writing a letter to your child's teacher.
Please contact Michelle Richardson for more information
Volunteer/Parental Involvement
Parental Involvement is a major component of our Pre-K and Kindergarteners. We welcome anyone who would like to volunteer in the classroom, attend field trips, and/or other school activities.
Parents must follow office procedures to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass before entering any classroom. You must also sign the parent sign in sheet in every classroom as well.